As we enter 2025, we have our own goals and resolution. We always set a goals as the year starts. " New year, new me", a resolution we always say, but isn't it better if  New year, better us?.  Let's not say new us because we can't change ourselves as a whole new person, it's better to say 'better us'. Another year, another chance for us to be better, to change our toxic sides and to reflect from the mistakes we made last year. As we set some goals and resolutions, let's not forget to change for the better.

                             2024 bring so much pain, but also teach some lessons. The year that passed teach me a lot of things, and also a lot of tears. I would like to change my wrong doings for myself and for the people around me. I would like to be more sensitive on things I say and I do, because I wouldn't know if I hurt someone unintentionally. I bring with me the lessons I learned last year, and I want to use these lessons for my journey this year. This year, I want to enjoy my life to the fullest. I won't let negative energy in my life again, I want to surround myself with better people.


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